Monday, February 4, 2008

Healthy Dogs Need Natural Healthy Food

Finding out that commercial dog foods are killing our dogs is very depressing. I love my dogs and I want the best for them at all times. Lot's of exercise, love and the best possible food for them. So, I cook real people food for them. I've noticed their breath is better and they have much more energy. My vet is happy too every time I take them in for a checkup. The best part is that their stools are firm and dry and rarely stink anymore.

I have Boston Terriers and they are known for being "gassy" but now more farts.

I know every time I feed my dogs that I know what they are getting. They aren't being filled with chemicals and preservatives that expose them to diseases that will hurl them towards an early, painful death.

But I really needed to put some variety in their menus. And, I needed to be sure they were getting all the vitamins and minerals they needed. And, I also needed to find some "commercial" foods I could trust for those rare moments that I just needed an emergency "feed." I've read a ton of books on what to make and it can be confusing at times. I finally found a book that put it altogether -Dog Secrets

This man lost his dog to kidney failure and spent several years and a ton of money researching the best commercial foods but more importantly developing home-cooked natural foods that would increase the longevity of our dogs by 8.5 years. 8.5 years more of loving and enjoying my dog. I was thrilled. The recipes were simple and I already knew that I was saving a ton of money by NOT buying commercial foods but by making my own, with a great variety, including treats!

You know how expensive treats are! And my dogs live for their treats. They actually have a set time in the evening for when they want them! And the author of this book includes several bonuses including a book on making your own treats. In the bonus book for making treats I found a wide variety of treat recipes that were easy to make and my dogs LOVE them! When they hear me open the cookie jar they start jumping for joy. It gets a little crazy at my house during treat time....but it gives me great happiness to know they are happy.

I also learned that Organic Apple Cider Vinegar can work wonders for my dogs. My one dog Meghan is prone to bladder infections. Since I've been putting 1/2 teaspoon of ACV in her meals twice a more bladder problems! It's also good for keeping fleas at bay and a great help for eliminating skin allergies. My dogs all get it and it seems to give them more energy.

I have a passion for dogs, and cats too - I have ten cats! I'm always on the lookout for anything that makes them happy and healthy.

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